
Kettle Heat Recovery Brews Up Interest at BrewExpo 2016 May 18th, 2016


Efficient design in brewing and kettle heat recovery were hot topics at the Craft Brewers Conference and BrewExpo 2016. Design-efficient heat recovery systems work differently from traditional heat exchangers to help brew masters, brewery founders and brewery design engineers save big.

Why Are We Switching to EC Motors? May 13th, 2016

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ENERVEX is currently in the process of replacing all AC motors with Domel EC motors using a proprietary EDrive (VFD). Why are we taking such a drastic step?

UL508 Transition to UL 60947 Mar 9th, 2016

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The standard for Industrial Control Equipment UL 508 has been harmonized with the relevant product standards of the IEC standard for Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear IEC 60947.

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