Insights Blog Post

18 Questions To Ask When Selecting Exhaust Fans Feb 1st, 2017

bldc motors vs. ac induction

Of the fan manufacturers that use permanent magnet motors in their fans, most are using Permanent Magnet AC (PMAC) motors. Surprising? ENERVEX uses a BLDC (brushless) permanent-magnet motor because it has clear advantages. If you are evaluating exhaust fans, here are 18 questions that will help you understand the benefits of BLDC motors vs. the AC induction motors being marketed widely - plus everything else you ever wanted to know about the different fan motor types.

Two Dark Secrets About Control Panels Nov 29th, 2016


What’s inside your UL508A "Certified" panel? When you purchase a "UL Listed" control panel, do you know what you're really getting? Here are two dark secrets that might surprise you.

Why Do Listed Chimneys Still Leak? Oct 20th, 2016

chimney leaking at joint sealant

Most chimneys on the market are leaking. A closer look at the testing standards for chimney joint sealants reveals that these standards DO NOT protect you. Even many listed chimneys leak not only condensation but also dangerous flue gases. For the contractor or specifying engineer, this is a costly reality. There’s something going on with Silicone, Viton and Ceramic Cement chimney joint/sealant materials -- and it must be addressed.

Best Mechanical Draft Systems Meet Engineer Play-Day Sep 29th, 2016

ENERVEX Open House sm

Thanks to all who attended our ENERVEX Open House. We had a great deal of fun, as well as engaged in conversations around the best mechanical draft systems for improving chimney draft control and boiler efficiency.

What the Manufacturers WON’T Tell You About Their Boilers Aug 2nd, 2016

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Check it out - that's me with my first car, a 1970 Morris Marina 1100! Today I'm sharing why buying a condensing boiler is a lot like buying your first car... and what you must know before investing in a high-efficiency condensing boiler, but you won't hear it from the boiler manufacturers.

Block/Tackle for Packers' $146M Field Expansion Jun 14th, 2016

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ENERVEX is proud to have provided the boiler draft control and inline variable speed exhaust systems for Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers. This innovative mechanical draft design was part of a winning strategy with Tweet/Garot to bring boiler efficiency, combustion air and energy savings to the field.

Motor Efficiency Regulation: Know the Facts May 24th, 2016

Integral Horsepower Motor Rule

New motor efficiency regulation from the DOE went into effect on June 1. If you work with electric motors for consumer products, commercial and industrial equipment – including commercial and industrial electric motors - you need to understand the new energy conservation standards under the Integral Horsepower Motor Rule.

Kettle Heat Recovery Brews Up Interest at BrewExpo 2016 May 18th, 2016


Efficient design in brewing and kettle heat recovery were hot topics at the Craft Brewers Conference and BrewExpo 2016. Design-efficient heat recovery systems work differently from traditional heat exchangers to help brew masters, brewery founders and brewery design engineers save big.

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