Commercial Products  >  Economizers & Heat Exchangers
HCU Heat Conversion Unit

The HCU Heat Conversion Units are designed to combine with ENERVEX’s heat recovery technologies.

The HCU system with its integrated heat pump can deliver from 280MBH (80kW) up to 1,350 MBH (400kW) of high temperature heating or hot potable water. The HCU’s can be used individually or combined on the user side while still being combined to a single ENERVEX heat recovery system.

It can be used to preheat multiple heat sinks simultaneously such as building make-up air, domestic hot water, hydronic loop, boiler make-up, pool water, etc. The HCU is typically used with ENERVEX VHX, DCX, RHX & IHX economizer to reach 100+% efficiency.


Supply Heating Capacity 280-1,400 MBH 
Supply Cooling Capacity 200 - 1,000 MBH
Power Input 22.5-112 kW
Heating COP 3.7
Cooling COP 2.7
Combined COP 6.3
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