Jumeirah Creekside Hotel, Dubai
ENERVEX and our local representative, Al Fardan Trading, were invited by the consulting engineer to assist in the design of a complicated venting system to serve two steam boilers and six hot water boilers at Jumeirah Creekside Hotel in Dubai.
The Challenges:
- Bring individual chimneys from each appliance up through building and terminate through a side wall covered with louvers
- Boiler room was located underground under drive-up at hotel entrance
ENERVEX Solution:
- Combined venting of all heating appliances into a single chimney
- Chimney was directed underground toward far corner of parking lot
- Termination above-ground in a specially designed architectural stainless steel feature
- Reduced chimney diameter to 18" to save space and ease installation
- Created a redundant (duty/stand-by) mechanical draft system
- Two TDF620 inline Power Venters installed back-to-back with redundant modulating draft control and complete redundancy control
- Fan control system assures proper, constant draft for boilers by modulating the fan speed during boiler load variations
- 18” ENERVEX EPS1 Chimney System with two Cochran steam boilers and six (6) PVI water heater boilers common vented
- Unique assembly system provided by ENERVEX